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Is a Male or Female Bernedoodle Better?

When choosing between a male or female Bernedoodle, it ultimately comes down to what fits best with your lifestyle and preferences. Both genders have unique qualities, and the most important thing is finding the right personality that clicks with you.

Bernedoodle standing on porch
Bernedoodle lying on grass
Bernedoodle playing with red ball

For temperament, the main difference is that females tend to be a bit sassier, while males are more laid-back and chill. Both are affectionate and loving, though females may be a little more independent, and males might enjoy more cuddles and attention.

In terms of appearance, males are generally stockier, while females tend to be more petite. Males are known to mark where they pee if not neutered before 6 months of age, while females can leave burn spots on the lawn. Regardless of the gender, good training and socialization will play a key role in ensuring your Bernedoodle becomes a well-behaved member of your family.

In the end, whether you go for a boy or girl Bernedoodle, you're sure to welcome lots of love and joy into your home—it's all about finding the perfect fit for you!

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