DowN hoME AcadEmY
Extended stay programs
We strive to give our puppies the best beginnings possible for an easier transition home. A large part of our time is dedicated to training our new puppies. We have 2 main levels of training at this time. These programs begin at 8 weeks and continue on up to either week 12 or week 16. Both training academies are led and organized by Elyzza, our lead Trainer. However, our entire family dedicates time into every puppy. and have proven to be worth the wait. Graduates of our Training programs generally have an easier time adjusting to a new environment and house train quickly.

Weeks 8-12
Begins at 8 weeks and continues for 1 month. The socialization program focuses on extended time with siblings and preparation for formal training. Allowing this time for the puppy to mature will insure training will go smoother and more efficiently.
Housebreaking needs to be done once your puppy is home.
Tiny paws
Weeks 12-16
Begins at 12 weeks of age and continues until 16 weeks of age. In Tiny Paws, the puppies learn commands such as sit, stay, wait place, leash walking, recall, controlling excitement, and crate training. Most puppies graduating from Tiny Paws Academy are sleeping through the night in their crates.
We work with all of our puppies on housebreaking, but moving to a new environment will still require you to do some training once they are home.